Memmert Laboratory Equipments
Memmert is a manufacturer of laboratory equipments with a 65 year history of thermal oven development. Now in its third generation, Memmert has been developing and producing climate chambers as well as waterbaths in Germany for a wide range of applications, including the fields of:
- Industrial material and component testing
- Biological, chemical and food research
- Wide-ranging quality tests in sophisticated production processes
- Human and veterinary medicine

- To Ensure Enough Liquid Nitrogen Availability.
- To Help For Better Treatment.
- To make sure laboratory equipment safety is ensured by certification
- To Enhance State Of The Art Technology Transfer.
- To avail pure oxygen.
- Be An Instrument Of Development For Ethiopia In The Cooling, Medical And IT Sector.
- Be A Supplier Of High Quality Liquid Air And Clean Medical Gas.
- Be A Respected Supplier Of Medical And AI Equipments In Ethiopia Known For Its Quality Products And Satisfied Customers.
- To Pioneer Certification and Calibration of laboratories
- We Aim For Excellence.
- Represent Only Products of Superior Quality.
- Serving All Client For Mutual Success Efficiently and Acountabily.
- We Do Our Work With Trust, Humility And Respect For All.
About Us
ROBANS Is A Company Established By Entrepreneurs Of Great Visions In 2010 According To The Ethiopian Laws Governing The Establishment Of Companies. Our Company Specilizes In Consultancy, Importing, Supplying, Installing And Maintaining Different Ranges Of Medical Equipments, Liquid Nitrogen Plants, Oxygen Generators and Artificial Insemination Equipments. Our Products Are Known For Being Of High Quality Along With Satisfying Customer Support. We Have Installed and Commisioned Dozens of Medical, Agricultural and Laboratory Equipments Across All Regions in Ethiopia. We also keep large stock of spare parts of all machines we sell and provide the neccessary maintenance within a very short period of time.
ROBANS is an exclusive agent of DH-Industries/ Striling Cryogenics BV, The Netherlands and AirSep corporation, a Chart Industries Corporation, USA. Which are the manufactureres of Liquid Nitrogen plants and Medical Oxygen & Nitrogen Gases Respectively.
ROBANS IS also the FIRST INTERANTIONAL NSF BIOLOGICAL SAFETY CABINET CLASS II ACCREDITED FIELD CERTIFIER in the Sub Saharan Africa Region with two NSF BSC Class II accredited Field Certifier Engineers.
Medical Equipment
We Offer Medical Equipment Services Such As:
- Sales of Oxygen Gas Generators
- Sales Of Medical & Lab Equipments
- Installation
- Curative And Preventive Maintainance
- Spare Parts Sale
- Customer Support
Calibration & Certification
We Offer Calibration & Certification Services For:
- Medical Equipment
- Lab Equipment
- Calibration & Certification Equipments
- Biological safety Cabinets(BSC)
- Clean Room
- Pippets
- Negative Pressure Rooms
Liquid Nitrogen Plant
We offer Liquid Nitrogen Plant Services like:
- Consuting
- Sales
- Installation
- Curative And Preventive Maintainance
- Spare Parts Sale
- Customer Support
Liquid Nitrogen Plants Supplied
Oxygen Plants Installed
Regions worked with
Customer Satisfaction
Calibration and certification of Laboratories
ROBANS Trading PLC, is proud to announce that we have become the FIRST INTERANTIONAL NSF BIOLOGICAL SAFETY CABINET CLASS II ACCREDITED FIELD CERTIFIER in the Sub Saharan Africa Region. Our company, with two NSF BSC Class II accredited Field Certifier Engineers, ( is ready to serve you when there is a need for installation, commissioning, preventive maintenance, Fumigation, calibration, accreditation and certification of any Biological Safety Cabinets including Clean Room and Negative Pressure Rooms. In addition to the skilled man power, we have all the necessary calibrated measuring tools and equipments to do the calibration and certification of the BSC. ROBANS can provide those services whenever you have a need in a contractual or on a call basis.

The BSC should be certified prior to initial use, and ideally this should be performed at least annually. To ensure the correct functioning of BSCs, they need to be properly maintained beyond the daily care routines of the laboratory. This involves annual maintenance and certification by a qualified Engineer in accordance to the NSF/American National Standards Institute 49-2014 Biosafety Cabinetry: Design, Construction, Performance, and Field Certification.
- Light Intensity,
- UV Intensity, (optional)
- Noise Level and Vibration Tests.
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